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What is a Guardian Advocate?

On Behalf of | Jun 24, 2013 | Firm News

Guardians and Guardian Advocates are both given their powers through the probate court.  A Guardian Advocate is a special type of guardian for persons with a developmental disability.  Specifically, the developmental disabilities that qualify for a Guardian Advocate are defined in Section 393.063 Florida Statutes are as follows: retardation, cerebal palsy, autism, spina bifida, or Prader-Willi syndrome.  These developmental disabilites must be evident before the age of 18, and the disabilites must reasonably be expected to continue indefinitely.    If you know of a person who is in need of a Guardian Advocate, please call Mara & Mara, P.A.  We deliver high quality legal services to individuals and families with professionalism and compassion in Daytona Beach area, Daytona Beach area and the Palm Coast area.