It's that time of year again! Get out the baking supplies, decorations, wrapping paper, and Sunday sales section. The holidays are simultaneously a whole lot of fun and a whole lot of stress. This can be doubly so if you have experienced a divorce and have holiday...
Firm News
Religion and Co-Parenting
Co-parenting after a divorce can be a challenge. This is especially so, if you and your former spouse have differing ideas about raising children. These differences may have been easier to manage or overlook while you were all living under one roof. This is most...
Emergencies and Divorce
Divorce can be an especially stressful time in the lives of both adults and children. A Google search for "divorce stress" recently yielded approximately 40 million results. Even an amicable and respectful divorce process is full of emotional challenges. So, it should...
PRENUPS AND PREVENTIVE LAW You are in love. The person who is the fortunate recipient of that love makes your heart smile every day. And then, you pop the all-important question. Or perhaps you are on the receiving end of the romantic query. Life feels like it could...
Florida Alimony: What you don’t know can hurt you
Alimony. What did reading this word conjure for you? It can't be anything good. When it comes to alimony, there is either someone who isn't thrilled about paying it or someone fearful that one day the checks will cease to come. If you are experiencing a contested...
You are a recent transplant from the North and you have landed in our great and most-of-the-time, hot state of Florida. You are getting adjusted to the facts of life here. You can't leave unsealed food on the kitchen counter. Bread has to go in the fridge. And if you...
I was contemplating the ways Collaborative Divorce can help families, and it occurred to me that the process can be somewhat like disassembling the parts of a whole and reassembling them into a different creation. My mind then went to the ever-popular erector set. It...
Step-Parent Adoptions
Although not as complicated and involved as regular adoptions, Step-Parent Adoptions can have a couple of nuances that can affect the smooth completion of the process. It is not always necessary to have an attorney represent a step-parent in these types of cases, but...
Stages of Estate Probate
The whole concept of probate intimidates many people, but it is often a simple, uniform process, whether the deceased had a will (testate) or not (intestate). Except in unusual circumstances, most pleadings that a lawyer drafts from the beginning to the end of the...
Alimony: Changing With The Times
Originally, the purpose of permanent alimony was to protect wives, who, historically, lacked the financial ability to meet their needs as they were established during the marriage. As women achieved educational attainments and career growth that equaled or exceeded...